Esci dai Frame

  Web Mining e Retrieval - Deep Learning (a.a. 2022/23)
Secondo Semestre
Docente: Roberto Basili Email:
    Elenco dei File nel deposito

Sommario Contenuti


2.Programma del Corso

3.Testi di Riferimento

4.Link Utili

5.Diapositive delle lezioni

6.Progetti ed Esercizi Proposti


  • Results of the Second Final Test on June 18th, 2023:
    Students that are evaluated with a final score higher than 18/30 are invited to communicate their acceptance via mail, to the Course responsible mail:

  • Results of the Second MID Term and the First Final Test on June 21st, 2023:
    Students that are evaluated with a final score higher than 18/30 are invited to communicate their acceptance via mail, to the Course responsible mail:
    Students that need to carry out a project to collect their 9 CFU should contact the Course responsible for selecting a suitable topic.
    Before accepting the evaluation, every student can access to the test outcomes, in the Course Responsible's Office, according to the following agenda:
    • FRIDAY July 7th, 2023, h. 15:00-16:00
    • MONDAY July 10th, 2023, h. 16:00-17:00

  • FULL Summer Exams Agenda: The Summer Session will include the following exams at the following dates:
    • The Second Mid Term and the First Final Exam Test will be held on Wednesday June 21st, at h. 10:00-13:00 in Room C6, (Engineering Area)
    • The Second Final Exam Test will be held on July 18th, at h. 10:00-13:00 in Room 10 (Engineering Area).
    • Students need to register to the different Tests through the Delphi platform. Please, for the June 21st test, specify if you register for the Mid Term 2 or for the First Final Exam.

    • Results of the First MID Term Test on April 26th, 2023: All students that are admitted with a temporary evaluation higher than 18/30 are invited to register to the Mid Term 2 Test through the Delphi platform.

    • !!WARNING: First MID Term DATE CHANGE!!: The First Mid Term Test will be held on Wednesday April 26th, during the morning lesson slot (h. 9:00-11:30 in Room B14, Engineering Area) and NOT on the 27th, as previously announced. The Test will still cover topics from ALL the lessons from 1 to 8. Students need to register to the Test through the Delphi platform.

    • NEWS: All students are kindly requested to install Anaconda, a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that makes available the different main packages useful for the Lab:
      • Jupyter Notebook
      • Python, as "Anaconda is a completely free Python distribution. It includes more than 400 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, and data analysis
      • SciKit Learn
      Please locate the Anaconda installation executable you need to download for your PC at the following address: Then Run the installation and follow the instructions.

      The slides of the two lessons are uploaded as follows:

    • ANNUNCIO: Il Corso avra' inizio a partire dal 6 Marzo 2023, secondo il seguente orario:
      • LUNEDI', h. 14:00-16:00 (Aula 13 Edifici Aule Macroarea di Scienze)
      • MERCOLEDI', h. 9:30-11:30 (Aula B14 Edifici Aule Nuove della Macroarea di Ingegneria)
      • GIOVEDI'', h. 11:30-13:30 (Aula 13 Edifici Aule Macroarea di Scienze)

    • The teams of the course under MS Teams is: "BASILI-8038971-WM&R-2022_23". Please check your membership on MS Teams. The course will start on March 7 according to the following:
      Course TIMETABLE:
      • LUNEDI', h. 14:00-16:00 (Aula 13 Classrooms Science Macroarea)
      • MERCOLEDI', h. 9:30-11:30 (Aula B14 Classrooms Engineering Macroarea)
      • GIOVEDI'', h. 11:30-13:30 (Aula 13 Classrooms Science Macroarea)
      Gli studenti che intendono seguire il Corso sono pregati di registrarsi ad esso, accedendo al sito Delphi.

  • Le diapositive delle lezioni saranno pubblicate durante il ciclo delle lezioni su queste pagine.
  • Il Corso insiste sulle ricerche ed i progetti innovativi del Semantics Analytics Group (SAG), che si occupa di Deep Learning e Natural Language Processing nella progettazione ed ingegnerizzazione di Sistemi Software Avanzati di Intelligenza Artificiale. Tali sistemi sono applicati a processi predittivi nella interpretazione e ricerca di documenti, nella sicurezza in rete, nella analisi dei Social Network e nei processi di Digital Transformation nell'Industria e nella Medicina.
    Sono attive alcune sperimentazioni e progetti presso il SAG Laboratory for Semantics Analytics, da cui sono emanate annualmente alcune Borse di Studio e Premi di Laurea.
    Sara' possibile discutere in dettaglio le diverse Tesi con il coordinatore di SAG, prof. Roberto BASILI, o con il responsabile tecnico del Laboratorio, prof. Danilo CROCE.
    L'orario di ricevimento, diverso da quello dei Corsi, e' da concordare con i docenti via e-mail.


Segue il programma preliminare del Corso che sara' messo a punto ed finalizzato al termine delle lezioni del Corso.

Section I: Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Supervised methods.
Probabilistic and Generative Methods. Hidden Markov Models.
Statistical Learning Theory: PAC learnability. Kernel-based Learning. Polynomial and Radial Basis Function Kernels. String and Tree kernels. Semantic kernels.
Neural Modeling: Perceptron, Multilayer Percetrons, Deep Neural Networks. Language Models and Recurrent Networks. Attention-based Neural Networks. Transformers: BERT, GPT models. 0-Shot Learning. Introduction to the main software platforms for the development of ML software: Weka, SciKit, PyTorch, KeLP.

Section II: Deep Networks for Natural Language Processing and Social Media Analytics.
Neural Language Processing. Named Entity Recognition. Statistical and Neural parsing.Shallow Semantic Parsing: Semantic role labelling.
Neural models for Textual Inference: from few shot learning to prompting. Information Extraction for Business Modeling. Question Answering Systems. Wikipedia-based knowledge Acquisition. Social Web Analysis. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis.
ML Application for the Digital Transformation: Sentiment Analysis, Brand reputation and real Time Marketing. Social Media Analytics: fake news counteraction. Ethical dimensions of Neural Decision Making. .

Testi di Riferimento

  • ML/DL - Introduction to Deep Neural Learning, Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, MIT Press, 2016.
  • ML - Pattern Recognition and Machine learning, C. Bishop. Springer. 2006.
  • ML ed IR - Introduction to Information Retrieval , Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schutze, Cambridge University Press. 2008. Find the book Home page HERE.
  • ML ed IR - Automatic Text Categorization: from Information Retrieval to Support Vector Learning, Roberto Basili, Alessandro Moschitti, ARACNE Editore, 2005.
  • Web IR - Bing Liu, Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data. 2nd Edition, July 2011, Springer.
  • Dispense fornite dal docente

Lezioni (Lessons Slide)