A new version (1.2.1) of the Java Machine Learning platform KeLP developed within the SAG group has been released.
In this releases, the code for learning relations between pairs of short texts has been introduced, including the approach described in:
Simone Filice, Giovanni Da San Martino and Alessandro Moschitti. Relational Information for Learning from Structured Text Pairs. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2015.
In particular this new release includes:
- TreePairRelTagger: a manipulator that establishes relations between two tree representations (available in the maven project discreterepresentation)
- 5 new kernels on pairs: released in the maven project standard-kernel
Check out this new version from our repositories. API Javadoc is already available. Your suggestions will be very precious for us, so download and try KeLP 1.2.1!