Danilo Croce

My name is Danilo Croce and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Enterprise Engineering at the University of Roma, Tor Vergata. In 2012, I received the PhD in Informatics Engineering in the same university, defending a thesis titled ”Structured Learning for Natural Language Semantic Processing”. Here you can find the abstract of my Phd Thesis.

I am in the SAG group since 2008. My research interests are in Machine Learning methods for Natural Language Processing, in the field of Human Robot Interaction, Sentiment Analysis and Social Media analytics. My expertise concerns theoretical and applied Machine Learning (ML) in the areas of Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. In particular, I am interested in Distributional Models of Lexical Semantic and Kernel-based Methods for advanced syntactic/semantic processing.

In NLP, Computational Linguistics and related fields I have worked on many topics including Text Understanding, Sentiment Analysis, Information Extraction, Named Entity Recognition, Syntactic Natural Language Processing, Semantic Role Labeling, Semantic Search and Human Robot Interaction.

To contact me, you can send me an email to: croce@info.uniroma2.it.


Additional links:

Google Scholar Page

My publications