
This page report the list of publications of the SAG Group.

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Vanzo, Andrea; Castellucci, Giuseppe; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto

A context based model for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter for the Italian Language (Inproceeding)

First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it, Pisa, Italy, 2014.

(BibTeX | Tags: Machine Learning, Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, SVM-HMM)

Vanzo, Andrea; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto

A context based model for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter (Inproceeding)

Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp. 2345–2354, Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland, 2014.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, SVM-HMM)

Castellucci, Giuseppe; Filice, Simone; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto

UNITOR: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Structured Learning (Inproceeding)

Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014), pp. 761–767, Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 2014.

(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine Learning, Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, SVM-HMM, Tree Kernel)


Croce, Danilo; Castellucci, Giuseppe; Bastianelli, Emanuele

Structured learning for semantic role labeling (Article)

Intelligenza Artificiale, 6 (2), pp. 163-176, 2012.

(BibTeX | Tags: Natural Language Processing, Semantic Role Labeling, SVM-HMM)


Croce, Danilo; Bastianelli, Emanuele; Castellucci, Giuseppe

Structured Kernel-Based Learning for the Frame Labeling over Italian Texts (Inproceeding)

EVALITA, pp. 220-229, 2011.

(BibTeX | Tags: Natural Language Processing, Semantic Role Labeling, SVM-HMM)