Two UNITOR groups (composed of members of the SAG and students from the Computer Science courses) participated to two distinct EVALITA2020 tasks:
- Sardistance: Stance Detection in Italian tweets
- DankMeme: multimoDal Artefacts recogNition Knowledge for MEMES
and both groups ranked first in both competitions! You can find more details in the proceedings of the conference and the video presentations:
- UNITOR @ Sardistance2020: Combining Transformer-based Architectures and Transfer Learning for Robust Stance Detection Simone Giorgioni, Marcello Politi, Samir Salman, Roberto Basili and Danilo Croce [VIDEO Presentation]
- UNITOR @ DANKMEME: Combining Convolutional Models and Transformer-based architectures for accurate MEME management Claudia Breazzano, Edoardo Rubino, Danilo Croce and Roberto Basili [VIDEO Presentation]