(English) FrameNet Extensions

As outcome of Paradigmatic Model presented in [1] we have made a mapping beetwen FrameNet Lexical Units and WordNet synsets. We have built a model of 619 Frames for a total of 7690 Lexical Units. The number of generated pairs is 15097.

This mapping will be distributed as a tab separated file, in which each row is composed by:

  • FRAME: the Frame name
  • LU: the Lexical Unit
  • POS: the Part-of-Speech tag of the Lexical Unit
  • WnId: the WordNet synset id
  • Score: the score obtained from the paradigmatic model
  • Synset Terms: the terms covered by the WordNet synset
  • Gloss: the gloss of the WordNet synset
FRAME LU POS WnId Score Synset Terms Gloss
Abounding_with adorned A 58220 0.4 adorned,decorated provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
Abounding_with adorned A 428215 0.6 adorned(p),bedecked(p),decked(p),decked_out(p) clothed or adorned with finery


  1. Diego De Cao, Danilo Croce, Marco Pennacchiotti, Roberto Basili. Combining word sense and usage for modeling frame semantics.In Proceedings of the Symposium On Semantics In Systems For Text Processing (STEP 08), September 22-24, 2008 - Venice, Italy
resources/rtv/framenet_ext.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/07 09:55 (external edit)
ART - Artificial Intelligence @ Rome Tor Vergata
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Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma