The Berkeley FrameNet project is creating an on-line lexical resource for English, based on frame semantics and supported by corpus evidence. The aim is to document the range of semantic and syntactic combinatory possibilities (valences) of each word in each of its senses, through computer-assisted annotation of example sentences and automatic tabulation and display of the annotation results.
IFrame represents a coordinated action among different Italian Research Centers in the design and development of a FrameNet for the Italian language, hereafter IFrame. This portal serves as a shared point for the various scholars of IFrame to exchange ideas, tools and intermediate or consolidated Resources.
The current members of IFrame are:
News on advances on current research will be reported HERE.
GEMS-10 : GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics Second Edition
Uppsala, Sweden, 11-16 July 2010 Website
Deadline for submission: 12 April 2010
Workshop details TBA
Beijing, China, 23-27 August 2010 Website
Deadline for submission: 22 April 2010
Kick-off materials HERE.
All resources derived from each research center are collected HERE. Each center is responsible for its own resources.
All publications related to the IFrame development efforts can be found HERE.
Systems and tools developed for this collaboration activity and/or IFrame resources are available HERE.
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