Pisa Resources

This page collects the resources developed by the Pisa-WG.

Manually Annotated Resources

We developed two manually annotated resources (both in progress), using different methodologies:

Berkeley-style Italian FrameNet:
based on Frame Semantic annotation of sentences exemplifying the syntactic-semantic combinatory possibilities of a group of predetermined LUs (lexicographic approach)

SALSA-style Italian FrameNet:
based on exhaustive Frame Semantic annotation of the Italian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank - ISST (full-text approach)

FrameNet for Specialized Resources

We defined the methodology for creating a specialized version of FrameNet dedicated to the legal domain in Italian.

Methodology for an Italian Legal FrameNet

resources/pisa/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/07 09:55 (external edit)
ART - Artificial Intelligence @ Rome Tor Vergata
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Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma