Tor Vergata Resources

This page collect the resources developed from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

According to the Research Areas we have made some resources that have been divided in tree group:

Manually Annotated Data

As consequence of our research activity we collected some annotated data. These dataset are made trough manula validation of some automatic processes, and can be used as gold standard for future experiments

(English) FrameNet Extensions

As the outcome of the paradigmatic model presented in [3] we developed an Lexical Unit to WordNet Synset mapping.

IFrame data

The paradigmatic model described in [3] was also used to develop a set of Italian Lexical Unit.

Other Resources and Tools

In [1] was proposed a model to align semantic roles through parallel corpora. This model allowed us to generate about 30.000 italian annotated sentences.


  1. Roberto Basili, Diego De Cao, Danilo Croce, Bonaventura Coppola, and Alessandro Moschitti. Cross-Language Frame Semantics Transfer in Bilingual Corpora. In Proceeding of 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, March 1-7 2009 - Best Paper Award, 1st place
  2. Marco Pennacchiotti, Diego De Cao, Roberto Basili, Danilo Croce, Michael Roth. Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units. In Proceedings of the Int. Conference on EMNLP, Hawaii, USA, October, 2008.
  3. Diego De Cao, Danilo Croce, Marco Pennacchiotti, Roberto Basili. Combining word sense and usage for modeling frame semantics.In Proceedings of the Symposium On Semantics In Systems For Text Processing (STEP 08), September 22-24, 2008 - Venice, Italy
  4. Marco Pennacchiotti, Diego De Cao, Paolo Marocco, Roberto Basili. Towards a Vector Space Model for FrameNet-like Resources. In Proceedings of the LREC Conference 2008, May 2008, Marrakesh, Morocco.
resources/rtv/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/07 09:55 (external edit)
ART - Artificial Intelligence @ Rome Tor Vergata
c/o Dept. of Computer Science, Systems and Production - University of Roma, Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma