This resource was created by performing a Frame Semantic annotation of selected sentences featuring Italian verbs of visual perception.
The annotation was carried out by Martina Johnson.
My main finding up to this point is that most verbs of visual perception evoke frames related to mental activity (e.g. Categorization, Expectation) and communication (e.g. Statement) as well as frames related to perception.
The following table shows the frames evoked by each verb, along with the number of annotated frame instances.
Lexical Unit | Frame(s) evoked | Number of instances |
avvistare | Perception_experience | 40 |
guardare | Perception_active | 12 |
intravedere | Perception_experience | 179 |
intravedere | Categorization | 4 |
intravedere | Expectation | 9 |
intravedere | Statement | 1 |
notare | Becoming_aware | 117 |
notare | Statement | 1 |
osservare | Perception_active | 258 |
osservare | Becoming_aware | 20 |
osservare | Statement | 15 |
sbirciare | Perception_active | 63 |
scorgere | Perception_experience | 72 |
Please note that this resource is in progress and that the numbers reported above do not have statistical value.
To obtain this resource, please contact the Pisa WG.